
The Void
Get up close and personal with the void below the level. Provided you're not a speedrunner, how did this happen?

The Second Room
Welcome to the second room! It isn't that hard, so you better be able to get there!

The Third Room
You can't die in this room, so have a free 5 EXP.

The Fourth Room
I don't see how you could die in the third room, so enjoy this free trophy if you made it there!

The Blue Key
This key was hidden under a platform. Bet you thought it was off limits, huh?

Controller User
You used a controller! Honestly don't see why you would, but good job!

The Green Key
Was this key... flying?

Inventory Keyper
You respawn with your inventory? How did you make it to the third room with a key you got in your past life?

You brought a friend with you? It can't be that hard...

Beta Tester
you tested the game at its beginnings

The Sharp Object
Somehow you got impaled on a sharp object and died, but it wasn't exactly a spike.