
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Its cool, Really hard though! I liek the whole idea of how you hold down space for slower/less jump. maybe also give the option to do the same with 'z'?

Ver. 1.01 allows to use "z", "x", "y", "c", shift, control and space instead of just space as buttons.

It's 39° in the shadow. The sun shines, the fields are dry.
The sweat tears from your shoulders, legs, face.

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, an obstacle-course is set.
Many convicts where brought. Punishment.
If you fail, you die, and the next convict gets his chance to achieve freedom.
There's no back. Just forward.

A really hard platformer, featuring two colors, one button, ten levels
and a lot of frustration.
You play by pressing space at the right time - if you hold it, your player slows.
If you release it, your player jumps.
The faster you go, the higher you jump.
Sounds easy? Did I mention that spikes are as bad as running in a wall or falling in a deep abyss?

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language
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