
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I like your ideas for this game. I have some unexpected character ideas for you If it's ok

Super Smash Bros. (title still in development) is a compact platformer-fighting fangame with the most unexpected characters ever!

Super Smash Bros. is easy to mod and edit, so you can create your own characters with the right knowledge.

This game will be released in updates, much like Crusade and Flash. The most characters in any update will be 5. In every minor update that doesn't focus on bug fixes will include at least 1 new fighter.

#platformer #fighting #fangame #action

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Simulated Gambling

Also, in unrelated news, the game's title and demo build will be released soon. (hoping around for around late January, expecting late Febuary)

There will be four playable characters in this build. Three from the original 12, and a returning fighter.

16 characters will be playable from the first build.

Have fun guessing who they are! ;)