
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Hej Lars Sørensen, sjovt spil :)
Er det muligt at kunne få et downloadet eksemplar af spillet til spilsamlingen på det kgl. Bibliotek? (  ​ )

Mvh. Jesper (Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Digital Kulturarv)

I like the idea, but the balance is WAY off.. Maybe bigger stones would help, or a distraction powerup that confuses some of the missiles.
Missiles should maybe collide with eachother, and the player should not collide with rocks..

Could be fun some day!

The Flying Surfers Escape from the Menacing Missiles of Hatred

Created by Holger Borum, Aragorn Damgaard and Lars Sørensen at INDIEJAM Summer edition #indiejamdk #summerjam2014 in Aalborg, Denmark over the span of 72 hours straight

Mild Cartoon Violence
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