
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Hide the mouse, create something to stop him falling of the ground, why you posted a screenshot from Stranded Deep? I can't do nothing

Why have you posted a screenshot from Stranded Deep?

I know it is your first game but you need to add a bit more to it, a simple thing...there is no sound at all and its always a good idea to get some in any game. If you add more gameplay too it would be more engaging.



Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago

Español:Este es un juego, el cual deberás buscar la comida, matar a los enemigos con el arma y hasta guardar la comida, es mi primer juego y mi primera vez, si ves un bug, algo que le vendría bien o algo parecido no dudes en comucarlo

Inglés:This is a game, which must look for food, kill enemies with the gun and to store food, it is my first game and my first time, if you see a bug, something that could use or something do not hesitate to I communicate it

Francés:Ce jeu, qui doit chercher de la nourriture, tuer des ennemis avec l'arme à feu et de stocker de la nourriture, il est mon premier jeu et ma première fois, si vous voyez un bug, quelque chose qui pourrait utiliser ou quelque chose ne pas hésiter à Jecommunique qu'il

Portugués:Este é um jogo, que deve procurar comida, matar os inimigos com a arma e para armazenar alimentos, é o meu primeiro jogo e minha primeira vez, se você ver um erro, algo que poderia usar ou algo assim, não hesite em I comucarlo


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Brief Nudity
Comical Shenanigans
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