
Symbols' war
Destroy the symbols for the good of something you may never know!
Tell me if there is any improvements you'd like to see.
Made in a day and my first game on the internet, hope you enjoy.
Estimated gameplay time (highly skilled): 5minutes
Estimated learning time: 15minutes
"Heal": give you 5 health back
"Bullet": increase your firerate slightly
"Mine": allow you to periodically drop stationary bullets
"Regrow": allow your health to regenerate over time
-be strategic in where you put yourself, upgrades are spawned at the centre of the screen, if it is spawned on top of you, you will not be able to choose what upgrade to take.
-the location of your crosshair determines the velocity of your shots, the closer it is to you the faster, fast shots can take down foes from afar quickly, slow shots can be used as a barrier to protect yourself
-zombie numbers (the semi-transparent thingys that flashes quickly): they will be turned back into a corpse if shot, they will die overtime and will not leave a corpse, try not to create too many corpses that can be turned into zombies when dealing with that particular boss
if you find euler (the letter e) to be a problem, try to pick up the upgrades when they show "mine" this is very useful against euler, although it will make the last boss hard to fight.