
Comments (9)

What do you think?

This is a great game man! good to do a collab every once and a while

I want singleplayer :(
(I'm a lonely man)

nice game

I really liked the idea! The controls are a bit sensitive... But it's a nice game! 4/5


Tank Fodder [v0.2.1]

Version: 0.2.1almost 8 years ago

Tank Fodder is an arcade style shooter, featuring tanks, powerups, bouncing bullets, and up to 4 player local pvp combat! The game requires the use of 1 or more controllers to allow 2 or more people to play, as I've yet to implement any AI!

Also, the controls are in a separate downloadable text file (up there!)


  1. Powerups! (Mine, guided rocket and machine gun, for now)

  2. 2 maps! (With more to come soon)

  3. 4 player local pvp combat with the use of additional controllers! (May add online multiplayer in the future)

  4. And sleek graphics! (-ish!)

The game is by no means finished, and will be updated regularly with new content. Visit my website for more details and a full list of yet to be implemented features! Currently the game officially supports the following hardware/software, although you're free to try your luck and give feedback:

PC (32-bit and 64-bit):

  1. Native PS4 controller support (through either a wired connection or using the new PS4 wireless adaptor)

  2. Native XBox One and XBox 360 controller support (through both a wired and wireless connection)

  3. And mouse and keyboard support, of course!

Mac (32-bit and 64-bit):

  1. Native PS4 controller support (through either a wired connection or using the new PS4 wireless adaptor) Need feedback on this!

  2. Native XBox One and XBox 360 controller support (through both a wired and wireless connection) On this too!

  3. And mouse and keyboard support, of course!

Linux (32-bit and 64-bit):

  1. Native PS4 controller support (through either a wired connection or using the new PS4 wireless adaptor) Need feedback on this!

  2. Native XBox One and XBox 360 controller support (through both a wired and wireless connection) On this too!

  3. And mouse and keyboard support, of course!

And finally, I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who's played my game, as it is an alpha, after all!

- Alexander Thomas Haselton @AlexanderTeaH

Mild Cartoon Violence

Tank Fodder v0.2.1

Tank Fodder v0.2.0

Tank Fodder v0.1.1