Comments (5)
Needs more. I don't think I get it. I lost all three unbeatable puzzles and somehow that means I won :/
Needs more. I don't think I get it. I lost all three unbeatable puzzles and somehow that means I won :/
I think that it really deserved an average 3, but the Concept seemed so new and origional I had to give it a 4.
Also, I like the way that no instruction was included. Added to that concept thing above.
-Nice Work-
this is cool, man! 5/5 i gave. Please say in what programming language you did it. game engine written from zero, cool.... vertical walls are a tribulation to do... i always avoid it... lots of tetrahedrization required, vertical triangulation, atc... vertical walls are not for physicists to program... a hilly triangulized terrain, and free bodies around, springs, atc. I acknowledge a lot the work of those who do game-engines because they are hard, and in a very different manner from physics-engines.
I liked it, it felt rewarding when I won. Also, [spoiler alert] the green room is actually beatable [/spoiler alert]
Trapped in a barren test chamber like so many other nameless protagonists. Things are not as fair and even as they might appear and escape, while possible, can only be achieved by attaining a sense of "negative capability".