Comments (27)
Loved this game. Really loved the atmosphere.
If you want to check this out go for it.
I just finished your game and I gotta say, the ending upset me xD otherwise it was fantastic. I write for a blog and will post my article link a few days after Christmas ;)
I couldn't finish this game, but I had some fun playing it, thought I'd share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeiZqFul1tA
Had a great time with this game. As many others have stated the ending is a bit of a let down. I think of it as a metaphor. You go through a lot of crap all year and it isn't what you get, it's that you get something. But I'm not sure the developers intent. But it was an awesome game. Hope you like the little skit. Fan is a character on our channel who may or may not be completely evil.
This was an amazing experience. Between rummaging through someone else's empty home and the music and sound you choose, I was expecting something sinister to happen at every moment.
The Days After Christmas
A week after Christmas, one of your coworkers invites you to a "week late" Christmas party. Upon your arrival, you discover that nobody else showed up to the party, and you find yourself alone in the house. Determined to not leave empty handed, you must search through the house to find the present you were promised.
"The Days After Christmas" is a point & click style game that incorporates horror elements (no jumpscares, we promise) as well as thought provoking puzzles. Anyone can play, but not everyone will make it.
We're just two guys who enjoy making content for people to play. We promise the game is completable and there are no unfair sections of the game. The project took up many hours of our time but it was worth it in the end. We used Monogame as our framework and essentially developed our own game engine from it.
On Windows: Simply extract the .zip file and run "TheDaysAfterChristmas.exe".
On Mac: Extract the .zip file. Important step: Move the "The Days After Christmas" app to the Applications folder on your Mac, or it may crash! Then run "The Days After Christmas" app.
(Note: The above Mac step is due to a permissions change as of Sierra that prevents certain apps from accessing files outside the Applications folder, required for saving.)
A walkthrough will soon be available inside the download file. If you find any bugs feel free to comment.
The game is compatible with both Windows and Mac.