Comments (8)
Looks cool man hope this project is fun for you also I have a game for you to play for your youtube channel let me know if your up for it and I well tell you what it is.
Can you send me beta test?
Woow looks cool
Game Soundtrack
Background Music [L1]
Welcome... Welcome... Your test starts here. We have studied you and analysed every step that you have made ever since you were a young little child. You are definitely qualified for this. Our planet has been invaded, we kept you as a last resort... And now we need you, this is why we awaken you from your long dark slumber. Don't be frightened by the horrifying enemies. They are just there to test you. Test your agility, strength, and courage. Once you complete the stages we have made, we will allow you to leave, however with a condition, once you enter the overworld, you must agree to the EULA which clearly states ...You may not leave the premises and enter your home, as tempting as it may seem, DON'T, and we repeat, DON'T. Afterwords we will, as promised, allow you back into your home... -- Well thats only if you survive... If you don't, we will replace you, and you obviously aren't ready for your adventure after hom--I mean... nevermind all that... I think your suited and ready for this "game".
I will be remaking all of my games; however this game will not be remade, to be honest I was pretty close to being finished. I'd say about 90% finished, except for some reason it got boring. I wasn't really motivated, I've been traveling around the world; China, Brazil, Philipines, and I've been inspired to make greater games on my trips. I have two new projects in my one being a platformed similar to this one except different graphics etc, and the new one will be completely hidden for now. 7th grade is starting soon, and I'm very excited. Currently this is my priority list:
New Game
Red Dot
Colorful Dots
New Game
The Game of Geometry
I may edit my priority list every once in a while, but currently at the moment the list stand pretty sure.
Mild Cartoon Violence