
Comments (29)

What do you think?

I just lost.

characters sounds, and graphic are well done and controls are fine outside of the gravity being a little strong,

at the moment the main issue is that it game lack proper level design.Despite the good art, the level itself is very minimalist and doesn`t offer anything interesting to play trough or look at.Its a pretty bad sign as level design is probably the most important aspect of the genre.

be sure to put a lot of work o nthat and im sure the game will be great

this isnt sopposed to be a horror game but i played this in audcity and it has the same encoding as undertale and it says hello world in the exe file on both games

This looks pretty neat! :D

i don't know if this is intentional or not but this is a screenshot of the first level :


The Game

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song


Hello Guys,

I'm KittyOnTheMoon and I start with making a game. I need some support so if someone got any ideas just share it with me.

I got an artists : Gryphon Wing Gaming

I use the Game Maker: Studios. If i get better education in programming (where I am heading to) I'm going to start to use Unity so i will make better and more interesting games.

This Game is going to be in 2D Pixel Style.




-Upgrades, -

Skill Tree, -

Bunch of Stages and more!

But it will take really much time. I will do it with my Crew as soon as possible.

Stay Awesome!



As u maybe noticed, i stop working on the game. Why?
Well, Gryphon, the Art, Sprite and Animation- Maker isn’t contacable anymore.
So i decided to ask you, if someone of you can do the same Art-Style as Gryphon does.

Stay Tuned!

Still wating.

Hey Guys,
I’m still wating for Gryphon.
I’m really sorry for no uploading another Version of the game..

I hope she will come back soon.

Stay Tuned!


Yhm hey Guys,
as I see Gryphon isn’t coming soon.
She got some privat Problems and yeah.
I can’t code or do something since 2 Weeks :[
Sorry… i have to wait…u have to wait…

Stay tuned!

*no words*

I’m only saying 5000 views!


Thanks for so much Views!

Team Gryphon & Kitty


We hitted 3000 views and 300 Plays!

That’s unbelivable! We thank you for your Support !

Iam looking forward for the next update!

Stay Tuned!

Team Gryphon & Kitty