Comments (8)
Strangely beautiful. The 2nd segment happens to quickly. It works fine on WIndows 7 for me.
Alright, I figured out what does it seem the whole gameplay. Nothing much to say about it, however, I found it so fascinating. Perhaps it's because of the main image that looks so, I don't know, unique?
windows w/ sound works fine for me. the loading screen (if thats what it is) is a bit weird/glitchy. But the game itself runs just fine. I find the game rather interesting, I'd like to see it progress into something more.
The Great Healer widows32 (no audio)
The Great Healer
The Great Healer widows32
|| ABOUT ||
In The Great Healer you must heal people to maintatin salvation.
|| NOTES ||
Please tell me if the windows build is working. Also if the game does not run on windows with aduio you can try the build without.
Left and RIght arrow keys
Game by Foster Wattles - http://fosterwattles.com/
Font by Molly M = https://twitter.com/battlemaxace
Made in Processing - http://processing.org/
Sound in Bxfr - http://www.bfxr.net/
enjoy <3