
Comments (22)

What do you think?

Hi there! I've got a few interesting ideas for new items and monsters, that could make the gameplay more diverse.

Here are my suggestions:


Rod of Roots

  • Rod, Rare

  • Target: monsters

  • Effect: tmp Can't move

  • Description: "Grasping roots rise from the ground and grab all nearby monsters."

  • My comment: Could be useful to escape from unpleasant situations, and lets the player come back later and fight the monsters.

Spiky Shield

  • Shield, Rare

  • On equip:
    Block +4
    Max mp -5
    Speed -1
    eqp Spiky <1>

  • Equipping spends 4 ep

  • Description: "A shield with menacing spikes. Just be careful not to harm yourself."

  • I haven't found in the game much items that grant Spiky trait, hence the idea. A drawback of -1 Speed makes its stats more balanced.

Slimy Boots

  • Boots, Very Rare

  • On equip:
    Speed +2
    eqp Slimy

  • Equipping spends 3 ep

  • Description: "Boots covered in slippery slime, letting you slide quickly through the dungeon. But watch your step!"

  • My comment: A pair of boots that let you move with speed like no other, but with a considerable drawback: the Slimy trait, which destroys all items you step on and leaves a trail of slime. Make sure to unequip the boots when you want to collect loot after the battle!


Jolt Lizard

  • Animal, Uncommon

  • icon: yellow L

  • will spawn in middle depths, like the Fire Lizard

  • stats like the Fire lizard, but with electricity instead of fire.

  • 4/4 hp, 6/6 mp

  • Skills:Bite
    melee attack
    ins Damage [1]Jolt Breath
    magic, cost 2 mp
    target: Player
    ins Electricity [2]

  • Description: "A vividly yellow lizard. Its breath crackles with electricity."

  • My comment: I think monsters with electricity attacks are too scarce for now. This lizard will balance it out. And it fits the game just like the Fire Lizard or the Chaos Lizard.

Man-eating Plant

  • Mindless, Special

  • icon: dark green f

  • will occasionally spawn in forest-themed rooms in middle depths. Fits them perfect, doesn't it?

  • 4/4 hp

  • speed 3

  • sees from 5 squares

  • resistant to poison and acid, vulnerable to fire

  • prm Can't use doors
    prm Can't move
    prm Immunity to confusion
    prm Resist knockback
    prm See invisible
    prm Frail
    prm Spiky <1>
    prm Reach <3 squares>

  • Skills:Vine Lash
    melee attack [reach: 3 sq]
    ins Damage [2]Poison Dart
    ranged: ammo 7
    tmp Poison <1>

  • Description: "A giant carnivorous plant with thorned vines. Hope you won't be its next meal."

  • My comment: Interesting idea, isn't it? I haven't seen any plant-themed monster in the game yet. And it will be more fearsome counterpart of the fungi found commonly in upper levels.

Anyway, what do you think about my ideas? I tried to design these so that they could fit the game well. Hope you will like it! :)

Hi again! I've tried the v2.1.3, and here is my feedback:

  • I've got wand of debt in one of my plays. The idea is quite funny, but the wand itself seems to need balancing, since it gives only one magic point for 50 gold. I think 3 mp would be more reasonable to make it useful as emergency source of magic.


  • Player doesn't get bonus to accuracy when attacking sleeping monsters in melee:

  • Autoexplore doesn't stop when attacked by an unseen monster, letting it hit you a lot of times:


Feedback, part 3!

  • Sometimes the path is blocked by an upward staircase. It seems to be a level generator bug, since there were no other ways down.

  • The path can also be blocked by a NPC:

  • Disenchanting good enchantments doesn't work:

  • Prankster ghost is described as "something" at the discovered monsters list:

  • Guardian statue isn't immune to diseases:


Feedback, part 2!

  • I finally made it to the end! But all the statues had physical attack only, and I had about 105% armor, so they couldn't even bruise me. I suggest adding statues with elemental attacks to make the final run harder (dragon statues with fire breath, serpent statues with venomous bite, etc.).

  • Why soft soil appears on notable features screen? It doesn't appear to do anything...

  • The game should prompt when attempting to eat rotten food, like it does when using other harmful items.

  • One time I've found an anbadonned golden room with empty chests and open doors. Is it intentional, or because something fled out of it? (I had Scare Undead, and there were a few mummies running around)

  • Sometimes an octopus spawns surrounded by deep water from all sides, so it's impossible to attack it. (the room hasn't a valve either).

Hi! It's me again, this time I wanted to share some feedback about bugs and other annoying things I've found in-game:

  1. A bug where monsters with self-only abilities may ocassionally use them on the player instead:

  2. When I mined a mysterious vein, I breached into a hidden golden room. Extremely dangerous when unexpected:

  3. Slimes in golden rooms destroy most treasures lying on the floor. It's so sad to discover that all these precious, hard-earned jewels were dissolved by a carelessly placed blob of acidic goo.


The Ground Gives Way

Version: 2.6.0about 3 years ago

The Ground Gives Way is a roguelike for Windows. You will explore a randomly generated cave while building your character. The Ground Gives Way has no character levels or experience points, instead you have to improvise your progress by using and equipping items you find along the way (and there many of them!). Each game will be very different from each other, and it quickly gets very challenging.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

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