
Comments (35)

What do you think?

This was a nice and somewhat emotional little game. The vibrant colors and awesome music really bring the world around you together. I love these kinds of games where you can really tell that a developer is passionate about something and it really shows in this game. My favorite part of this game is its simplicity and because this was a game jam game, the developers weren't able to include characters. But through the game you start to feel a connection to the world around you, as if the world is the character. All in all a nice little walking sim with great music and a powerful message and I look forward to more games from the developer. I did a video on my experience with the game if anyone is interested.

WHY MUST WE DESTROY? | The Last Chance

grandiosa ambientación que habeis logrado. Enhorabuena por ese premio, porque os lo mereceis. ( espero que algun dia Fancy ork y patata games colaboren en algo guay :3 )

Developer, please forgive me for being a big dumdum lol. I recorded a gameplay video - here - and made a fool of myself.

This was absolutely beautiful. I think I could just walk around in that environment, listening to that music, for hours.

Gameplay -

Simple game, but very nice ambience. Good work!!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

This game is for the #familiargamejam6, a videogames event placed in Seville. The theme is "No Characters" so we decided to do a Game for awareness the importance of the enviroment and the problems that people produces in their lifestyle.

We have to thank to Genera Games and the organization of #familiargamejam6 for this experience that they gift us with this event, without they it couldn't be possible so.

This game is about enjoying the nature, the trees and the water by "simply" taking a relaxing walk in the middle of the night. In The Last Chance you have to found some kanjis to find more clues about what is happening in this island while you avoid your flare turn off too. It's easy?? Will see :) Explore, collect and learn about respect and love to the nature.

A good experience for all the family and made with the love of the developers.

We hope you enjoy this game and please tell us your opinion about this game when you play it :D

The Team is composed by:
Castro Rodríguez, Beatriz
Vazquez Infantes, José
Viola Iborra, Carlos (musician)

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