Chevron. Tab. Enter. Shift. Long ago 4 nations lived in harmony. Then everything changed when they all attacked Shift Shapers. Nobody (nor Shift) survived besides you. 4 minutes and 32 seconds passed so you decided to take revenge against 3 nations.
You all agreed that representatives of each nation should meet in Overcomplicated Map (OM) but glitchs called "Ssenizal Ym" and "Emitfo Kcal" happened and other representatives are frozen (let them go!).
You need to prepare yourself for upcoming combat: take a look on 3 representatives, see how OM works and what Central Unit does to your size and entire map!
Arrows - moving
CTRL - fire (not implemented)
SHIFT - shift shapes (only when you are in same room as Central Unit)
Each command should do 2 things ie. Square and Up makes new room and increases your size.
Prepare yourself because maybe someday real version of this game comes out. Maybe!