
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Music looping is a little annoying. Coulda been fixed up a lil better.

Sound effects are fine. Gameplay isn't extremely satisfying.

By level 1-3 I couldn't win because it wouldn't let me press the button.

Here's my Ludum Dare entry from a year ago. Just had a quick run-through as a final test and died 100+ times -_-. I suck. Post your total deaths :)

Welcome To 'The Red Button'; a fast paced unforgiving platformer. You have 10 seconds to reach the red button or else. Simple ... Right?

There are a few obstacles standing in your way but with only 10 seconds on the clock speed is your only option. There are a total of 10 playable levels in my submission; I would have liked to add more but that would have meant less polishing! Your progress is saved as are your level times.

Everything was creating in under 48 hours. The music is a chip remix of a sample from Better Off Alone - Alice DJ that I created in this 48 hour time span.


The Red Button - My LD #27 Entry