Comments (158)
Edgar Allen Poe up in here!
Hello! I found your game really interesting and it had some cool mechanics in it. But my one complaint would be the sesitivity of the mouse to start with as its very high. If you can change that and I didn't notice then forgive me :D But in either case I made a let's play of it here~
A brilliant adaptation! Really puts you in the killer's frame of mind. The audio work is top-notch.
A very good little game the audio is good and the voice acting. I would love to see a bit longer game withe the full story start to finish. I am a big fan of Poe and would Love to see more Games based on is poems .
Tell-Tale Heart PC
The Tell-Tale Heart
Do not call me mad! What I did was not done out of malice or accident. Nay, every element of it was planned, every detail thought through. My methods were exact and executed to perfection. This horrible crime will never be discovered, as I left no clues to visit justice upon the act. Even the police, who now roam this house, are completely unaware of what lies beneath their feet. If only they donโt hear that beat, beat, beat... that ever-louder heartbeat.