Comments (4)
I played the game, and I must say that it's pretty cool. I enjoyed the overall theme and setting of it, but the translation made it so difficult to know what was going on. I was quite fond of the art and aesthetic, and I think this definitely has potential if the translation was improved. Overall, good job!
ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \
This game looks really cool a gem of this site but I cant seem to open it please help.
The ghost of skinny Jack

This is a short demo of a advetur game based upon the old småländsa tale of skinn Skerping, skinny Jack. Briefly it is a story about a maid that get challenged to in the middle of the night go and fetch skinny Jack who stands at the church enters, and there has hi stand for over 100 years.
Hand drawn grafick.
A couple of puzzle.
This demo can, and knowing my writing skills will, contain typos, misspelling and butchered grammatik
To run this program you ned to hav java installed on your compjuter and programe to oppen zip fils
Programming: Franz Jonzon
Everything that has to do with Graphics: Fritz Jonzon
Script: Fritz Jonzon & Franz Jonzon
Game Design: Franz Jonzon & Fritz Jonzon
IDE: Eclips Mars 2.0
Librarys: lwjgl and slick java
Sounds: From http://soundbible.com/ through
Chopping Wood Sound: by Mike Koenig
Dropped Wooden Floor Sound: by Mike Koenig
Wooden Thump Sound: Recorded by Mike Koenig
sharping knife: Recorded by Mike Koenig
scary Ambiance Sound: Recorded by Mike Koenig
Basement Sound: Recorded by Mike Koenig
Drawer Slide Close Sound: Recorded by Mike Koenig
Walking Away: Recorded by Mike Koenig
Sweeping Broom Shorter Sound: Mike Koenig
Zombie Horde Sound: Mike Koenig
Door Unlock: Recorded by Mike Koenig
Horror Ambiance Sound: Recorded by Mike Koenig
Hitting metal: Recorded by Douglas Vicente
Mystic Chanting 1 Sound: Recorded by Marianne Gagnon
Walking On Gravel Sound: Recorded by Caroline Ford
Snoring-: Recorded by Popup Pixels
Flyby Sound: Recorded by Conor
Guinea Pig Sound: Recorded by Daniel Simon
Rest of the sounds is public domain.