Comments (17)
I really liked it! But I think the boss is to hard.
I'm interested! Please send me a comment back on what I should expect!
is this like a horror game or?
Just played it, I got really confused at the end of the game xD
Good game tho! MY GAMEPLAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZmioqYfnKY
Looks good enough to anime lol
TheLastBoy ( Ver.English )
TheLastBoy ( Ver. Thai )
Everything seems dark.
I woke up in a place that I don’t know.
Where am I ?
Who am I ?
How did I came to be here ?
This is 2D platform game designated about a boy who has amnesia. He woke up in a strange house. The only clue is a diary of a boy named “Vincent”. He decided to find the truth of this house.
credit :
Voice Actor : MileLo Fandub
Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language