Not exactly from the creators of Xiomus VS Hart, but still...
We present to you...
A comedic Lisa- And Undertale-inspired quirky indie RPG that follows Kora Malachite, a bold, experienced and straightforward mercenary, on his way to slay the Greatest evil of All Time, the nefarious corporate Eugene Krabs, in a broken yet vivid and charming world. Obviously, your journey won`t be a walk in the park: a big boss like Krabs has to have branch offices in all major cities of this planet, and his representatives aren`t the people to joke around with!
DISCLAIMER: The game might have a severe amount of non-gamebreaking bugs due to the lead developer abandoning it in a pretty raw state, and, obviously, it doesn`t contain even the half of the planned content (which will NOT be added as the lead developer, again, isn`t working on it anymore). It`s still worth playing though!
Hilarious references! Hilarious jokes! Really, the whole game is pretty funny!
Powerful allies, terrifying enemies! Look at this Eminem being blasted with a burning shot! And he`s not even in the top 10 strongest!!!
Interesting and distinct characters! Everyone has a story to tell - even if you don`t want to hear it!
Come on, we have freaking Sans and Papyrus! Aren`t they amazing?
Questions you may have:
"What do you mean "Not exactly from the creators of Xiomus VS Hart"?" - exactly that. The only thing I did was fully (I hope) translating the game from Russian. The game was made by my acquaintance for our friend group, which is no more, which is why I`ve decided to post the game here to keep the heritage alive.