
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Add Creation from TJOC.

Hey salut je tes vu sur discord est ce que to jeux est fini ?

aka use the peperly

Now that you get all of them in one have to guard them in the back alley. You can use a mask,security cameras,etc. IF you use them correctly,you will MAYBE make it through...maybe. Fazbear Entertainment is counting on you ! This was a recorded message don't answer
#fnaf #altgame #fangame #survival #horror #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

It'S tImE fOr ThE fIrSt PaRtY ! (a beta version of the game is out)

1 DaYs LeFt

2 DaYs LeFt...

First : Thx for the 261 viewers !!!!!

Second : I decided to remake the game because it was really bad so the game will be out when school will be back

thx for reading.

DoN't FoRgEt To Be In ThIs PlAcE tHe 22Th......