TO!Ink Hardmode take
Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago
E for debug and N for noob mode(nerfs damage only)
Original game by Team Origin and bulb
Apparently I can mod this so yeah
shit game that probably no human can beat
Ok so there has been news
I have got the Official full version of TO! Ink and it's absolute garbage (bad hitboxes, bad game design and all)
So yeah now I'm gonna remake it and also post here
The bulb version (the one most people know), hardmode v5 soon
like i know its theory no hittable and all but what???

[TAS] TO!Ink Hardmode By Edens studio
Frames: 22321Rerecords: 1504Game by Eden's studio (!Ink Hardmode Sans -

TO!Inksans Fight Hard Mode By Eden クリア (Noob mode) 【Undertale Fangame】
壊れたPCから救出した動画です。恐らく1か月前くらいに撮ったものですもうめちゃくちゃ攻撃が弱化されてたり強化されてたりします個人的難易度:高以上(noob)Game By : Team OriginRemake By : Ede...
did this on march and remade it twice so yeah here is this basically not humanly beatable trash