
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Wow you didn't even make these models I have nothing wrong with that its just wow you had to color evrything the models arent even yours. You dont even have a development team. You stole models from other people. BTW i'm making a game called Tommorow is Another Day and it is nothing like this so you don't have the right to take it down if I didnt steal anything from your game.

shadow slim says KAYBOOM! for some reason..

shadow slim!

sure! nightmare springtrap

Need a beta tester?

after fredbears family diner closed down some charaters were found in the old place
then...a new fredbears family diner!but...theres somemoving charaters at night....
tomorrow is another day........

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

i am back

back from my break now i will contine my teasers

i am tried

theteaser told you im not happy. im sad now from this game no like 33 followers.
NO! im not canllelding it. im just need a break from my game.

who are playing as?

you will play as the fnaf 4 child


i wonโ€™t be uploading teasers until october or next week or tommorow!


gmod has a problem so i might not be uploading any teasers.