Comments (48)
Is this online?
Is there anyway to play with just 2 people? Whenever me and my brother join, nothing happens.
coumpter controle?
Y eso es lo que no debe hacerse en páginas como estas :D
Toto Temple
Game Soundtrack
Tales From Toto Temple (by Dunderpate Music)
UPDATE: A bigger and better version called Toto Temple Deluxe is now available on OUYA (with free demo)! Check out the trailer here: http://tototemple.com/**
You NEED to be at least 2 players to play the game, otherwise you won't be able to proceed!
Toto temple is a multiplayer party game about small, colourful dudes battling for a goat in some temple. Sounds awesome, right? We created toto temple in 3 days during the 8th edition of ToJam (Toronto Game Jam), back in August 2013.
The goal is to get the goat and keep it for as long as you can.
The longer you keep the goat, the more points you make.
First player to reach 2000 points wins the game.
Dash into another player to steal the goat.
When a player loses the goat, the goat will lay some eggs (i know, i know…), which will hatch into gold coins.
The amount of gold coins is based on how much points the player made while he had the goat.
Get the coins for extra points.
You need at least one friend to play with, and some xbox-like controllers.
Movement with the left joystick.
Jump / double jump with a.
Dash / double dash with x.
You can dash in all 4 directions with left joystick + x. This is pretty IMPORTANT!
You can cancel a dash by jumping, then you can dash again, then you can cancel, and dash again, and again...
The music has been composed by Jesse Harlin (Dunderpate Music). He's a great guy, hook him up if you need music!
The sounds have been designed by Tyler Piersall. He’s fast, hire him!
The goat (or the idea of the goat) has been suggested by the ToJam crew! here’s the original goat on a pole: http://www.tojam.ca/stuff/goatonapole.asp