Comments (10)
Hey man I watched you're video on youtube, you need to update the posted game here. Rebuild the newest version, I want to play the one I saw it looked cool.
If u want it to be in the this is my jam game jam u might need to repost the game on a new page! It's seems to be not adding it to the site
Pretty fun simple game with potential to be more! I think with some added sound, looks, and maybe a simple how to play page will give it more life. Pretty neat though!
Tower ranger overtime!
New update!
Tower Rangers Overtime Christmas edition
Save your kingdom with Tower Rangers, as you in bark an a epic adventure, fight off the great evil army of doom as you save your world, featuring over 50 levels and bonus levels, The fun well never end!
How to play
use Q and E to Switch towers
Press S to save your game
Press Esc to exit to the main manu
use the Left button to place towers
use the Right button to sale towers
#RPGfestjam #Towerrangersseries
#techjam2015 #All4myjam #vivek123jam #letyourgamebeonayoutubevideo #gamersandplayers #magicjam #schmidtgames
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Final news now out please read :)
New tower rangers game now out!
and please take your time and do this straw poll! :)