
Comments (1)

What do you think?

The game seems very good!

PS: Please play my game. It's free. I try very hard on it and release updates! -

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Main Theme 8bit

Nobody knows the place, nobody knows the time, a ghastly beast lived in a tall tower near a village. Terrified of the beast’s wrath, the villagers gave up their crops to appease it. But a time came when harvest was not plentiful and so the offerings not as generous as before. Offended, the beast ravaged the village wreaking havoc everywhere, and, as a final act of revenge, attacked one cottage and kidnapped the inhabitant’s beloved. Knocked out by the beast, the man came to after a while and, enlisting the help of an old man, found the entrance to the tower and set out to snatch his love from the beast’s claws.

#adventure #retro #8bit #sega #pixelart #platformer #action #other

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