Comments (3)
Please remove the true end theme. :/ It's taken from my AU, Inverted Fate, and without my permission or credit. I am not okay with this.
Tales From The Broken Sea - Sal fight. (Create Your Frisk mod)
Game Soundtrack
Phase 1 theme
Hi I'm back with another CYF mod. This isn't a normal fight, it have multiple endings. There are 6 endings in this battle. Get all these endings to unlock a special scene.
Information about TFTBS and Credits are in README.txt
Special thanks:
Toby Fox and Temmie Chang for Undertale
Funamusea for WATGBS.
1.0.2 changelog:
Remove the True end theme because I dont have any song that fit with it.
#fangame #undertale #undertalefangame #watgbs #wadanoharaandthegreatbluesea #deepseaprisoner #amongus #createyourfrisk
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