Comments (3)
The only .exe file I found crashes as soon as I open it. I've put it in C:\ and yet I get the same output. Any ideas?
This is a turn-based Sim based on Civilization, but it also borrows heavily from the Deadlock games.
It's still a work in progress.
The entire "Tribes" folder MUST be in "C:\" to run properly. All of the files must remain in the folder. Click on "tribe.exe" to run the game.
All of the artwork in this game are my own colored pencil drawings, scanned, and then edited in Gimp.
The game's strategy is primarily resource management. The object is to help your native tribe flourish.
Build wigwams in the begining (they don't require labor) otherwise everyone will die from lack of shelter.
While zoomed in, right click on a LARGE square to allocate labor to a certain task.
While zoomed out, right click on a SMALL square to move resources to another sector.
Toggle resource information and allocate labor based on the resource number.
Higher water rating will produce more food. Higer mineral number means more minerals and stone, etc..
Click on the moon to end turn.
Escape - brings up menu
F11 - Change screen mode
m - toggles minimap
s - toggles sector map
r - toggles resources information box
h - returns play to "home" sector
d - brings up axe of "destruction" to tear down buildings
1 - water resource
2 - minerals resource
3 - medicinal herbs
4 & 5 - health and happiness
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence