
Comments (14)

What do you think?

I really like the soundtrack, Hope this goes well!



Is this project still alive?

This game is REALLY REALLY cool btw (double really)

first shout


Once upon a time three chosen beings created a universe, which we call "Earth". Eventually two civilazations ruled over this Earth: The Humans and the Monsters. Decades after decades they evolved and lived in a great harmony. One day... something terrifying happened. The Humans stood up and reproached us that we betrayed them and killed their king. We don´t even know who did that... anyways, our king tried to talk out with the leaders of Humankind, but...without success. A enormous war broke out and they abonded us Monsters for eternity. Full of hatred Asgore plans to take revenge...

This is a Undertale/Deltarune AU, which includes new and old friends/enemies, a brand new story with multiple endings, a bigger underground and... food?


This Is just a no-profit fangame of Undertale and Deltarune.

The game contains huge spoilers of It so before playing you should check It out here :


Q - Is this AU just a Sans fight?

A - Nope! There will be a full game for Trusttale, we are only making the Sans fight to learn GMS2.

Q - What engine are you using?

A - We are using our own engine.

Q - When the game Is coming out?

A - Hopefuly the Sans fight Is coming at the end of the year or In a worst case In the middle of next year.

Q - How much progress you guys have?

A - Aside from what we show on devlogs for now we have all assets, music and script ready for the Sans fight ( so only coding Is left ) and already a lot of stuff done for the full game.

Q - Can I use your assets?

A - Absolutly not, stealing Is a bad thing and you should stop doing that.

Q - Can I do takes of this?

A - No, you can't. The main lore of the game Isn't even public yet and we don't wanna that people think that Trusttale Is a different thing from what It really Is, even so fan-art are really welcome.

Q - I have other questions.

A - Ask In the comments.


Semi                                   - Leader, Spriter, Writer, Coder
Mr. Peter                             - Co-Leader, Musician, Designer, Writer
Lettuce                                 - Spriter, Coder (?)
Hello There                          - Spriter, Digital Artist
RavenJess                           - Spriter, Musician
EZXPP - Musician
Funside - Artist
Vete - Game Tester
CyberDJ66 - Musician
S.D. - Digital Artist
Axniety - Voice Acting
M.Meyland - Musician, Coder
Zaxento The Greedy - Coder, Spriter, Writing-Assistant
Fanimator - Code-Assistant, Spriter, Writing-Assistant
$WXRI - Artist

(Ethan   - Spriter)
(Marcy                                   - Digital Artist)
(Caleb - Musician)
(Promazter - Musician)

*Everyone in brackets WERE members, but left the team. We do not want to exclude their credits afterall.




Original Trusttale concept by Semi
Co-Leader Mr.Peter

Banner by Funside
Sans Art by tunes

Undertale and Deltarune by Toby Fox

We hope you will enjoy our project and welcome you all with open arms :D
#rpg #fangame #undertale #retro #trusttale #deltarune #adventure #action #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

September Devlog!



yaye first room (not finished tho, still needs polishing but wooo)

pancakez based

pancakez based

what is pancakez?


weird obs test idk