
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Cool graphics! Those explosion effects are satisfying. Nice job on the 3D ship silhouette too - that's really nice!

UFO Game for Opera GX Jam

Controls are WASD/space and arrows/enter for each player. Game balance for this demo was adjusted for a shorter time investment required.

While it may not be visible in this demo, we designed the game around fitting inside the Opera GX page, and imitated the visual style. We envisioned it adjusting its colors based on the current Opera GX Theme, but obviously we have no way to access the palette variables in this demo, so we hardcoded the "Classic Dark" theme. The lack of music was an intentional choice, as Opera GX has a built-in responsive music player.

While the game is complete inasmuch as the jam's timeframe and our team's schedules allowed for, the design can be polished significantly. There is a lot more work we can do to create the intuitive and satisfying experience we envision.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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