Comments (6)
Neat game that keeps you on your toes. The basic dodging was very simple but those meteors were super fast causing me to have always be paying attention to react and dodge. I definitely enjoy that kind of tension, being on my guard to act quickly. I only managed to find the power up once, but when I did it rocked! Wish I got to see that a bit more.
Your game is my favourite until now, I will like to play this in my browser!
Jogo foda
★ U.F.O. GX is an endless game designed to played on Opera GX and Opera GX Mobile. Featuring an extra versus mode for desktop players.

Game Modes
1 Player
Move the UFO using your cursor or finger to dodge asteroids and comets, collecting a Battery will temporary transform the UFO into a rocket that can destroy everything in its path.
You can also play using the ◁ ▷ / A-D keys.
2 Players
Both players uses the keyboard. Player 1 uses the A-D keys while Player 2 uses ◁ ▷. The player who destroys the highest amount of asteroids and comets before time runs out is the winner.
Color Palettes
You can change the colors of your game at any time by pressing one of these number keys on your keyboard:
Key 1 • GX - Default

Key 2 • Code

Key 3 • DMG

Key 4 • Pocket

Key 5 • Light

Key 6 • Winter

Key 7 • Spring

Key 8 • Summer

Key 9 • Autumn