Comments (11)
Lovely design, it was really fun
I love the gun thoo
Fun to play... Nice game
Definitely a great use of power ups. My favourite moments were when I would pick up a new weapon and just go to town destroying everyone in my path. I always got excited every time I would see one of those drops.
This was really fun to play! I love the fast paced action and music. The background is really pretty, and the color palette is perfect! Well done!
Fun to play and the art is great! Nice work :)
Uh Oh, UFO!
Press F11 or zoom out for full view of game!

What do you say when a flying saucer shows up above your home?

Time to bust out your trusty shotgun and blast those pesky aliens away! Don't forget to pick up some power-ups along the way for some extra firepower. How long can you hold off the horde?

Play using only your keyboard!
Select in-game your preferred control scheme!
Left-handed and right-handed options available!
Play single-player or with a friend!

Zachary Richman - Director
Kira (aka Kiraroci) - Programmer
Dakota Vaughan - Programmer
FartFish - Artist
Amorphous - Artist
Ryan Steel - SFX
Asger Dyrst (Lazernaut) - Music
#OperaGX #OperaGXGameJam #OGXGJ #UFO #alien #space #shooter #action #arcade #retro #scifi #endless #multiplayer #local #coop #gamejam #gamemaker #gamemakerstudio2