Comments (6)
It's a nice game, that interesting binding of isaac-style map :)
Controls are smooth , but I had trouble against the boss, I got stuck on him and died because of that two times! xD
But I had fun , it was neat,good job! :)
In rock-paper-scissors, Knife beats all the guns. Nice game.
Very simple game, but well made. I included it in part 1 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
A roguelite for #indiesvsgamers
how far will you get?
-Music by me :)
-special thanks to StoOnie
-WASD to Move
-Mouse to Aim
-LMB to Attack
-14 Different Levels
4 Unique Bosses
-11 Different Soundtracks
-Alot of Difficulty
Nice to know:
-Yellow rooms contain Items
-Red Rooms contain Bosses
-Blue Lightnings gives you speed
-Red Lightnings let's you deal more damage
-Hearts give you more health
-Lightblue Star gives you Airblades
-??? makes you ???
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed