
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Its a really good concept, i didnt saw something like this ever!
Keep going bro

I mean.

"We know everything about the underground but... Have you ever wondered... what led humans to cause war between humans and monsters? Undertale Ghosts Of The Past answers this question. In this story you will discover the beginnings of everything through the eyes of a human and a monster as you will see how everything slowly falls into ruins..."

The game is still on early development, but im doing my best!
Cant wait to show you guys what i have on mind for this!

#fangame #adventure #rpg #textadventure #undertale

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Just to let you know, aside from Undertale Ghosts Of The Past, im working on an Undertale Orange fangame too!

Don't worry, UT|G.O.T.P. is still active!

Check the UTO project page tho!


Thats all folks, bye!

#Undertale #Fangame

Here's the app icon! I think it looks nice what do you think?

Hi everyone, sorry took me long to send more progress stuff and i think i can show this, these textboxes are from the protagonists and when you play as one of them.

Here are some little examples how they look in a very tiny text box (cuz i was lazy bruh).

i've been working on one of the protagonist's overworld sprites
what do you think?

Alr, welcome to this silly little project i did lol

This thing tells how the human's and monster's war happened.

How did they defeated them?

How was the world before the war?

I will try to give an answer to this on GOTP.

Ill try to upload frequently lol