
Comments (186)

What do you think?

Undertale Sans Fight No Hit (Godhome Mod)

No Item Undertale Godhome Hard Mode Sans

My Walkthrough hope you enjoy and thank you for making it


I cant moven the star move, but my no move,
when I enter the room I can move for 1 second, but then I cannot move anymore

(Maybe I am a little too late but I will ask anyways)
this mod is amazing loving it so far and it's sooo underrated (never heard anyone talk about it).

I have only two questions about the mod :
1-what the hell is a platinum medal?! I know it's suppose to be a secret (and maybe it's a meme I don't get) but I really want to do all bosses with the highest rank possible and seeing this is annoying.
2- what is the highest rank possible and how do I get it?
I hope someone can answer, and like I said I love this mod so much and it deserves a lot more.
-Thanks :)
(also sorry for bad English)



Version: 2021.5.14almost 4 years ago

DISCLAIMER: Your anti-virus might see this as a threat because of SpaghettiInstaller. Everyone who has this mod will tell you that it's 100% safe.

A mod for Toby Fox's Undertale that allows players to practise bosses and enemies at will without the need for save files. It also allows players to play the whole game again for challenge purposes without resetting.

Approved for use in Undertale/Deltarune Challenge Community!

WARNING: This mod is meant for practice use only. You cannot use this mod to submit full game runs of any kind. I cannot be held responsible if your runs get rejected. Use at your own risk.

Started 28th September 2020. Completed 3rd January 2021.

Made with UndertaleModTool.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language

How many of you still care about this mod xD