Unnamed Block Game (prototype)
Just a game about blocks. You can build and break them to modify the terrain around you. #other
â– You spawn with empty hotbar
â– Added inventory
- Now you can change items in your hotbar.
â– Added 19 new blocks
- Snow, sand, obsidian, bricks, stone_bricks, moss, mud, coal, copper, iron, glass, coral, grass, web, cactus, log, log_in_the_leaves, bush and barrel.
â– Now you can zoom further
â– Added zoom resetting key
â– Now you can hold your mouse button to place/break block
â– Player is now taller
â– Added pause menu
- Added resume, controls, language and world reset buttons.
â– Now you can change your key binds
â– Now you can change language
- Added english and russian languages.
- You can put your own languages in assets/data/lang folder.
â– Now you can reset and change world types
- Added default, empty, desert, snowy and stone worlds.
- You can put your own world types in assets/data/world_types folder.
â– The world is now higher
■Сhanged the texture of the leaves
â– Added 8 new fonts
- You can change font and hotbar scroll direction in assets/data/settings.txt file