
Comments (20)

What do you think?

where do i download it?

oh heck yeah a real true underswap revenge game it looks pog cant wait to play it when it eventully does come out

This looks super epic!

this looks really good

Really like the idea. Wish you luck on the project


"Underswap REVENGE: The Never-Heard Ending" Is an Underswap take on REVENGE. In this timeline, Sans does everything in his power to avenge the death of his friends with the help of a new face, from a new world. This game introduce classic Underswap designs, a fresh ACT 2 battle, new SOUL and more.


@NitrodeZ - Spriter, Writer, Team Leader

@Demo-cezar - Coder

@DreamTheDevMan - Coder

@hant147 - Musician

@krajoz - Musician

@R0vi - Contributor

@Duxa_ - Contributor

Pootstablook - REVENGE: The Unseen Ending Current Owner

Samuel Wolfang - REVENGE: The Unseen Ending Founder

PopcornPr1nce - (CANON) Underswap Founder

FlamesAtGames - Disbelief Papyrus Founder

Special Thanks: Saster, i has discrd, PieDaDude, Error-Cezar, Epic, Xeron


Q: Is this the OFFICAL Underswap: Revenge?

->A: No, and as far I'm aware, there isn't an owner to it. It's more of a take on the original Revenge story, but in the Underswap world, as I always thought those were dead.

Q: Is this going to be a full game?

->A: At the moment, no. It's only planned to be an ACT 2 battle only for now. It might change in the future, however.

Q: Is the design based on Canon!Underswap?

->A: It was heavily based on it first, but now with things changing I would want it all to be based on Underswap in general.

Q: What is the new SOUL mode going to be?

->A: Can't tell it yet, you'll see.

Q: Is there going to be a 'Demo Release' for this?

->A: No, there won't be. We'll be aiming for a full release. What we could possibly give out before the full release is one of the extra battle (only planned, as well). But even then it would be for a special occasions.

In the case we are upping this to a full game (ACT1-3) is the only way this would change.

Q: When will the game come out?

->A: Good question.

Q: Can I help with the fangame?

->A: Yes, you can. We accept any kind of help for this project: spriters, musicians, coders. We DON'T need playtesters nor writers, however.

Q: Discord server?

->A: No, due to it mostly being inactive, sorry.

Q: Why is it taking so long?

->A: Mainly because the team member's got other projects to work on, including myself. But I won't be cancelling this, no matter how long it's been since I last posted any news regardless about this project.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

A small update to the page has been done. With how things are going, we still don't have anything to show, BUT, we (mainly I) are getting on doing some actual stuff.

A big change is I want to move away a bit of the "canon!us" part and make it generic US.

Oh hey look, 200 Following.

Thank you guys for following! You may have this piece of old, crappy sprite sheet that got replaced like 2 months ago.

Enjoy the bad stuff^^

Oh hey, yeah.

Still in work, and still remains an Act 2 Battle fangame for now only. Thankfully since it's summer however, I can hopefully get stuffs being in progress.

For now just enjoy new music and a peek at the new sprite:…

This will be not easy to say, but due to unmotivation and how much work it would requer for us, we're going back to only being an Act 2 battle at the moment.

It's questionable if we'll switch back to full game in the future, but it's what it is for now...

Just a little note:

The entier game is being rewamped already. This far, this hadn't felt like a unique take at all from a story & originality point. So now, I'll be working on making all 3 Acts very unique, but still feeling like Revenge.