
Comments (26)

What do you think?

great, but NEO keeps crashing my game :(

if we edit the sourse code will it edit gameplay and macanics

Oh and by the way the attack is Mettaton's punch attack

hi morpheus ready to play this game like the knight

there's too much lag, please fix it

One day, after freeing the monsters from the Underground, you and your friends stumble upon a mysterious colosseum-like building, in the middle of nowhere. One of you thought that it'd be a good idea to train magic and dodging. Of course you joined in. After all, nothing could go wrong... right?

The Deltarune style battle sprites are made by Askywalker (and I've gotta say, man they're F*CKING GOOD! Really, I had thought a lot about how UT battles would look like in DT style and i discover this person. It's just amazing) and, of course, UNDERTALE and DELTARUNE are made by Toby Fox and team (Temmie Chang, Sarah O’Donnell, Taxiderby, Fred Wood, Jean Canellas, Xan Wetherall and a LOT more of awesome people). I did the programming and the logo. The battle arena (background) is a recolored version of a DELTARUNE: Paper Trail gif made by the DeviantArt artist KurosPL. The Music for Mettaton NEO is "Power of "NEO" (IKARUS REMIX), by IKarus. The GIF for the Asriel battle is made by Pinterest user Gray Muellenberg (I think...).

(Trick for the blue SOUL: if you press up while in air, you'll float for a few seconds. You'll need to do this for some of Sans' and Papyrus' attacks.)


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

It's finally out. It took a LOT of work to do, but it was very satisfying to do.

hey. sorry i haven't updated anything before. i'd done the mettaton neo battle and almost finished sans' phase 1 when i got real sick. gettin' a little better, so perhaps you can see the version 1.0.0 before summer ends. i'm tryin' my best.

i promise...

2 LEFT...



Ok. Finished Flowey's. Now I'm starting with the shadier part of developing.

I've finished ALL of Asgore battle today. It was quite the challenge. I'll start on my take of a Flowey battle tomorrow.

I've finished the Mettaton and Pacifist Sans battles. I dunno if I'll start with ASGORE's battle tomorrow. (Also Sans's battle is my take on what Sans'd do if he fought you [Spoiler Alert: Nothin' much.].)

Welp. Callin' it a day. Today I finished the Yellow SOUL coding and the behaviour of EX's legs. I've also programmed the flavour text, items and EX's sprites (which was hard af). Maybe I'll start with the battle tomorrow...