
Comments (192)

What do you think?

Undertale Last Breath Phase 3 RTF's Take 2

Undertale Ultra Sans Fight RTF's Take

Undertale Last Breath Phase 3 RTF's Take

Undertale - Battle Sumilator - Dusttrust Phase 1 By RTF Nerfed Mode Complete!


Undertale - Battle Sumilator - Ultra Sans By RTF Nerfed Mode Complete!


Undertale - Battle Sumilator Last Breath Phase 3 by rtf Nerfed Mode Complete!


Му gameplay Debug Mode -

ULTRA SANS Fight(Private Version):

MonkE battle(Private Version):

ULB Phase 3 By RTF(Private Version):

Hard Mode Sans By RTF:

Pacifist Flowey Battle:


Undertale - HQ

Version: 2.5.0about 2 months ago

Undertale - HQ

A collection of Undertale fangames with my styles.
(This used to be the GameJolt page for <Undertale : Battle Simulator> and <Typical Undertale Fangames List>. Now they are no longer here. Don't ask me where they are gone.)

What does Undertale - HQ provide?

Undertale HQ provides unique Undertale fangames / famous Undertale fangames that were made with RTF's style. But don't worry. The game-making styles aren't based on 2021~2023 era. It will completely be based on the new styles of making.

Why does this exist?

Basically Just For Hobby. I don't have any plans to make this game famous just like the big projects ongoing in Undertale Community. When I find one interesting, or when someone wants HQ to have that battle, I'll try to make it. But it doesn't mean I'll make it with 100% chance.

Are the source code of Undertale HQ available?

There's a Github repo of Undertale HQ for back-up purposes, But It is unlikely for Undertale HQ to be open-sourced later, As some sources are highly confidential, It will be dangerous for me to open-source it.

Hardware Requirements

You have to use Windows to run this game.

Windows Requirements:
OS : Must be 64bit only. ARM64 is not supported yet, x86 is not planned to support.

RAM : 4GB is enough. CPU : Any CPU that is not too old can run this game.

#fangame #undertale


Papyrus Encounter HotFix!!

:: UnderSwap - Thanatos : Papyrus Encounter Released ::


this HAS to be a meme
(i editied/modified one of fdy games a long time ago)

trust me it's nohitable i tested it on 0.000000001x speed

Okay.. so

A small update for both:
Undertale : Battle Simulator
Typical UF Lists

[ Read the Article! ]


an easter egg i've been making for fun

it will include in the final build,
you'll need a special keyboard key to enter the world

ok so
another update

I may not end the updating game
but it will get a HUGE revamp

this time i will try to include deltarune battles as well but

not sure where i'll get the engine..?

see you soon
after 4000 years passes

Hey guys, How are you?

hi how have you been doing

Game is temporaily in-locked Because of some code-leaking issues. Appreciate your patience

I'm releasing the final version for Undertale battle simulator, 1.1.14. This project was built-in the new project, So the game doesn't have something interesting.