Comments (11)
5 achievements good! =P
There seems to be a problem. I conquered all 4 planets, but the game did not end.
Interesting game. I love the graphics - you were able to create really nice depth with pixels! I included it in part 8 of my Lowrez Jam compilation video series! :) http://youtu.be/Dp6f97rJwb0
Hah. And how I MUST kill the guys ho burn my tail at the first level at second planet, a?
Mechanic is nice. But game itself isn't fun, it's unfair hard.
Nice mechanics and execution but too hard for me -.-
The Void will consume each part of our universe.
Until then as his underling you are asked to wipe out all life forms on four planets.
For this task The Void will grant you 4 gifts. Don't become attached to them because what the Void give, the Void will take back.
Controls :
Arrow keys to move.
Hit your own tail to destroy everything that you circle.
Grab the green capsules to increase your maximum trail length.
You need a very long tail to capture fast ennemies
Kill all monster in an area to go to the next round.
Finish all 3x round of each planets to end the game.
Between each planets, The void will take back one of his gift.
Gift Effect :
Life +1 : You start Each planet with one more life.
Magnet : Attract caps to your position.
Shield : Your tail deflect ennemies projetiles.
Size +1 : +50% extra size on start-up.
Bomb : Explode a large area when you die.
Stable : Your tail dont fade away.
This game was made in approximately one week for the #lowrezjam. Thanks to Devi ever for this jam.