
War of Emeriel is a magical side-scrolling adventure following the war between fairies in the world of Emeriel. The evil fairy, Teragon, has begun his plan to take over the fairy kingdom. It is your duty to stop him!
The fairy kingdom Emeriel is a peaceful kingdom where all the fairies live. It is a beautiful enchanting place. It is a true paradise. The fairies are powerful magic users. All the creatures are connected to magic but fairies have the strongest connection with magic. One day an exceptional powerful fairy was practice a strange dark magic. He had killed another fairy with this magic on accident. But the damage was done, dark magic could not be controlled. For that reason it was band from the use and studying it.
He was brought before the fairy king. The fairy king had no choice, he had to banish him from the realm. The fairy grow angry with the king and become enraged. The darkness completely took him over. He had killed the guards and break hes bonds. The fairy king used his power to suppress him but it was to late, it happened so fast. The fairy king had taken a fatal blow and was weakening from it. But he would not let any harm come to anymore fairies. With the remain magic power he had, he was able to banish him from the realm and create a seal. So, he wouldn't be able to enter the fairy realm.
The fairy king had a son that was still very young that was hiding in a hidden room. The room was connected to the throne room where all this had happened. After The battle the boy went running to his father. The king did not have long before he would pass on to the after life. He told his son that the dark fairy would be back on day. The seal would not hold him forever and that he would have to be ready. He would have to grow powerful to protect the other fairies. With his dying breath, he told his son that true power comes from the heart and he would always be looking over him in his heart. With that the fairy kings light went out and died.
From that day on the dark fairy was know as Teragon.