
Comments (67)

What do you think?

Really looking forward into it, I'm the kind of person that literally loves tycoon games! Hope it comes out soon, and when do you expect the game will come out? I'm really curious!
Even if it is not out yet, great game!

This seems like a great game! Following. I want to see how it turns out.

Try My Puzzle Game Guys. This Is A Simple But Fun Game!

Also, My Pokemon Game... Pokemon Nova Destiny!

Hmm, the idea very interesting, waiting

Seems good!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs


This is a game where you design a website. The goal is to make lots of money off of your website. The game starts out like this:

First you open up to the title screen shown above. You click new game, and select a starting country. Each country has its own currency and benefits. For instance, India has 2% more income from all sites. after that, you pick what kind of website you want to create. There are tons, like Video Sharing Site or Social Network or Search Engine. You can get other companies to advertise on your site for profit, or if you are a site that sells stuff (like amazon) then you can make money off of that. Grow your own fanbase by advertising on other sites. You can add different things to your website to make it more appealing, like a Blog or Forums.

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

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