Comments (6)
muy basico
This game is hilarious! Cool concept and fun to play. The art and audio was cracking me up. Well done.
Check out my entry if you have a chance
Game is fun and you have cute art, You should add more pictures here too. Good job.
This is actually awesome.
Really funny concept! Fun game, but you should add some screenshots of it to this game page. :) I included it in part 2 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/cPghCLd2p3g
What's Left v1.1.0
A game made for the #IndiesVsGamers Jam! All assets, including sound effects and music, were initially created by me during that 72-hour period, and then expanded upon.
Play as a strapping knight who has lost all of his limbs, but there's one arm left. Now, he must use that arm to do what's right: punch things. Click to punch, click and hold to block, as a barage of enemies and weapons race your way!
Now with multiplayer!