
Comments (7)

What do you think?

The title is my current expression.

if you told me to make a game in 5 hours... i couldn't even make this...

Well, developed in a hour, nothing much to see haha. But hey, I like the way you give hints in this short experience. It's unfortunate that I can't really rate it high because of the too short "gameplay".

Words cannot Describe this... this game... is to good For Words

Words cannot Describe this... this game... is to good For Words

This game was created between the hours of 3 and 4am... The game served no purpose but to see if i could complete any game within an hour. The answer was yes, and this is the result... Possibly one of the cheapest shortest puzzle type games ever created in video game history. DO I CARE?!?! Yeah i just made history... WHAT!

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