Comments (4)
You might want to shorten the title or at least create a cool acronym like FNTIYUBWTSTIRYH or FNTYUBWSTRYH.
I have so much hype for this. Before you start playing it gives you a warning for drug usage and alcohol usage so hopefully the uncle is a crackhead and has many violent tendencies that could give the kid mental issues, anxiety, and depression. That would make the whole climax of the story even better because the main character would be suicidal and because of the supporting character (the uncle), more emotional tensions would be put into place. Yes. This game is decent.
See you in 2020 when you make another sarcastic concept idea for a game that might actually be good and then never release it!
Welp shit you're stuck in your Uncle's basement because why the fuck not.
The SWAT is looking for you but you can't call for help because you can't talk in video games.
Game of the year
Yes is very decent