Game Community
Project Whisperless
8 Members


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Game Soundtrack

2 songs

A game about a girl called Elvira who lives in the shallow town of whisper hollow, a place where if you speak a single word you are 'degenerated', Elvira is one of the unfortunate souls who suffers from this and has to rebuild her lost skills, such as eating, talking, running, ect.

I only made the page as a temporary thing, I will start doing it up properly closer to finish. #rpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Drug Reference
Mild Language

29/06/2024 - day 3

I finally started applying textures and music to my game, alongside starting work on the layout of the main players home. Will likely start moving onto health systems and inventories soon.

28/06/2024 - day 2

I played around more with the collision code, it acknowledges that objects are touching but it for some reason clips past the object with no real explanation.

I finally put in place the health visual but I need to make the health work.

27/06/2024 - day 1

today I started the project and decided to begin by building each feature slowly, I started off with basic movement and then spent all afternoon working on collsion with a wall.

(written on notepad first)