Comments (32)
This reminds me a lot of the endless amount of Minecraft rip-offs and clones found on the Android.
Because this is basically just another one.
ugh another minecraft game...
It's a pretty alright game, but like Austin said, it's very overused and unoriginal. I want to see what you can make, not how good you can copy something. 2/5
The game is functional, but it's painfully unoriginal. I respect what it takes to program it however, that's pretty cool.
this game is exactly like minecraft. im not saying that its a bad thing but it needs to break away from the whole minecraft theme. for example why not try to give the game 3D models like skyrim but minecraft graphics and properties like floating islands, giant mountans, etc... with your own music, for the music you could create something original (no singing just little background musics. for instance im makeing a little adventure/strategy game that has the basic melodie of "everything is awsome" combined with "rockstar" and a little bit of basic gutar cords.
and for those people who actualy read the comments and are interested in the game im makeing, i think it will be ready to download in 2 months
its minecraft style world build game you can make own house and create new world :)) its game on available google play
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