
Comments (6)

What do you think?

This was good for such a small project, I really enjoyed it. Here's a video of me playing it. Hope you enjoy!

Funny game. I liked it. 3/5

That's right; love her or hate her, you only get one mom. She cleans up your mess, and for what? Twenty years later you're off with another woman! Mom's of the world, we salute you.

This is my first indie game release, for Ludum Dare 28, my first game jam. I wanted to make something I knew I'd get done It might not win awards but at least I can say I did it and gain insight from others.

YOGO Mom! is a simple game where you are set against the clock to clean up the mess left behind after a LD48 event by your indie dev husband or child.

... and it complies with the #NOKILL side quest. :)

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