
Comments (6)

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Youtube Simulator 2

Version: 1.0.0over 8 years ago

I do have a Youtube channel heres the link:
If you want to subscrie you can. New videos every weekday!
Channel Name is 4 Boyz


Hi Billy Mayes here with another...uh...wait...I'm not Billy Mayes! Dang it! Did it again! Anyway, Welcome to Youtube Simulator 2! The sequal to the game everybody loved! Just like the fist game, you post videos to get a bigger audience and more subscribers! The more subscribers the more views you get on a video. In this version, you earn money by getting views on your videos. With this money, you buy things in the shop to slightly increase your chances of someone new finding your videos. More items coming to the shop soon! Have fun playing the 2nd Youtube Simulator!!!

Can you get the DIAMOND Youtube Play Button?!

If you have any questions then you can post them in the comments. Also suggestions are welcome here! YAY!!!
Visit the REAL Youtube Site here:

Thanks for all of the support in the first Youtube Simulator!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!