
Comments (1)

What do you think?

nice game dude

The world has met its maker and is now fighting against a new apocalypse. Not the Zombie Apocolypse, Not like that at all it is the Spiderpocalypse and it has really struck down on this world. Every big city has been destroyed, the Army has been taken out and the only hope is fighting back. Question is, Do you have the courage to fight back?


Will you Zappey and Smashey all these bugs into oblivion?

This is a game made by a solo creator: Cyber Fusion
So i will try to put all my effort into improving and upgrading this game to be a final project that I will be proud of

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Got the Versus, Relay, and Story mode text done!

YESS!!! Finally!

Ok here is the model! Idk if I will use it thou! Still looks kinda wierd

Ok another update!

Ok, we got another breed!

This is probably the final breed of the game. I wanna test my viewers and see if any1 could name this breed. P.S. If you remember the last game and go on it you might find it in the screenshots!

Wow that was a fast update

So I just uploaded the update for versus mode that had two players on the update. Well now there 3 PLAYERS! Man I am getting good at updating!

Ok Its been a while but there is new update!

Ok i am just about to rlease a Bug Fix Update!

I released it!

The relay update where you can choose your character for relay mode! I really worked hard yesterday to get this out for you guys!Hope you enjoy it and Peace!

The Spiders are coming back!